QSM Quiz results is where you can view all the results of your quizzes that users have answered. You can find the Quiz Results menu on the WordPress sidebar inside QSM.
Once in, you will be presented with the quiz results along with the details like the Quiz Name, Score (along with points earned), Timer to Complete, Name, Business (if enabled), Email, Phone(if enabled), User (user id) and the IP address(of the system used to access the quiz).
Note: Data collected in the default fields of quiz Contact Form will show in the Quiz Results Tab, however inputs for any custom contact fields won’t be visible in the results, to view data collected from the custom contact fields you need to use the QSM’s Export Result addon.

You can view all the results in detail and can even delete individual or bulk delete records. To search for a particular quiz you can use the search field and can even order the results based on Time, Quiz Name, User Name, Point, and Correct Percent.
Screen Options
With the Quiz Results Screen Options, you can choose the columns to hide/show as per your need. Besides the legacy columns like the Page URL, Page Name, Business, Phone, and IP Address, you can even Start Date and End Date Columns to view the Start and End Date of your quizzes.