The Quiz and Survey Master Advertisement Be Gone [ABG] addon removes all services/addon advertisements throughout Quiz and Survey Master.
Once you have purchased the addon, you will have access to download the addon. To install, upload the addon as a normal WordPress plugin. To do so, go to the Plugins page and click Add New. Then, click Upload.
From there, upload the zip file that you downloaded when downloading the addon. Once the addon has been uploaded, you should have the QSM – Advertisement Be Gone listed in your list of plugins. Activate that plugin. Once activated, the addon will add a new tab in the Addon Settings labeled “Advertisement Be Gone”.

Enter your license key from your account into the “Addon License Key” field on the “Advertisement Be Gone” tab of the “Addon Settings”. Be sure to click “Save Changes”.
You will no longer see the news or ads throughout Quiz And Survey Master!
If you have any trouble implementing the Advertisement Be Gone Addon or have more questions about the process, please fill out a support ticket by going to the WordPress dashboard and selecting ‘help’ in the QSM plugin and our support guru will be able to help you.